Design and implementation of role-based rights management middleware 基于角色的权限管理中间件的设计与实现
Research and Design of User Rights Management Model Based on Workflow 基于工作流用户权限管理模型的研究与设计
The legal reasons of the conflicts are in the design and performance about the two rights in our law. 究其法律上的原因主要表现为两种权利在设置阶段和行使阶段存在不足。
Design of On-Line Digital Rights Management System Combining REL 结合REL的在线数字版权管理系统的设计
However, it's pity that in many practical applications, due to the lack of systematic thinking and design, stock rights incentive becomes invalid and the effect is not satisfactory. 但遗憾的是,在很多企业的应用实践中,因为缺乏系统性的思考和科学的设计,使得股权激励流于形式,其内在作用机理没能得到真正的释放和发挥,激励效果不尽如人意。
The initial examination system for design patent in China needs perfecting, while the protecting range for design patent rights should be specified. 我国外观设计专利的初步审查制度需要进一步完善,成套产品的外观设计专利权的保护范围应当明确。
By the analysis of internal and external governance, a set of system is design, such as multiple property rights, artificial person, socialization, perfect and fair market system. 通过对内部治理和外部治理两方面进行分析,就建立完善的公司治理结构,本文设计了一套制度安排,即产权结构多元化、法人化、社会化和培育充分、公平竞争的市场体系。
The fourth part's content is about the optimum design of property rights relationship among supply chain enterprises. 第四部分是供应链企业间产权关系的优化设计。
Design of Rights Management Mechanism on EPCIS 一种EPCIS权限管理机制的设计
The design of structure of controlling rights is the premier task and logic starting point of enterprises reform; 控制权格局的设计是企业改制的首要任务和逻辑起点;
Design for Digital Object Rights Management 数字对象权限管理设计
Studies on auction mechanism design of licensed operation rights and water price problems in urban reused water projects 城市再生水项目的特许经营权拍卖机制设计及水价研究
Design and Realization of Digital Audio Rights Management System 数字化音频资料版权管理系统设计与实现
The market design of the stockholder's rights handle separately avoid the market and the legal system conflict, and makes the important contribution for the China capital market establishment and practice of the market economy. 股权分置的市场设计回避市场和法制的冲突,为中国资本市场建立和市场经济实践都做出重要贡献;
The Legislative Design of Laws concerning Administrative Authorities Rights and Measures Taken in Case of Emergency 行政机关紧急权力和紧急措施的立法设计
This paper introduces the design of rights management of EPCIS, and proposes a kind of rights management mechanism which is based on XrML ( eXtensible right Markup Language) and can be integrated with current EPCIS architecture easily and seamlessly. 对EPCIS的权限管理问题作了初步探讨,并提出一种基于扩展权利描述语言(XrML),易于与现有的EPCIS架构无缝整合的权限管理机制。
It makes framework refinement design, defines rights and duties of control level, execution level and participation level for the recommended pattern. 并对推荐模式进行结构细化设计,界定调控层次、执行层次、参与层次的权责;
Design Systematic Description of Repeal Rights in Insolvency 破产撤销权的制度设计
So this paper attempts to re-optimize the design for the hetero-property rights on land and refined the rights especially which are embodied in the land ownership laws. 因此,本文试图对土地他项权利进行重新优化设置,特别是对现行土地产权法律中存在空白和缺陷的土地他项权利进行重新界定和规范。
And operating platform, database, development tools, options, systematic and concrete design and implementation of rights management module are discussed. 并对运行平台、数据库、开发工具的选择、系统的具体设计及权限管理模块的实现进行了论述。
From the article, the following basic conclusions can be: main issue in project cost management is the ability to effectively design and combine responsibilities, rights and interests together. 通过本文,可以得到以下的基本结论:进行工程项目成本管理的主要问题是如何能够有效地设计并将项目的责任、权利、利益结合起来。
The institutional design for the protection of real rights has been regarded as a significant and difficult issue in the researches of civil law. 物权保护的制度设计是民法研究中的重大问题亦是难点问题。
For instance, plug-in model design, rights management, file downloads and version management, then encapsulates these functions into a sub-plug-ins. 对插件开发平台进行模型设计,并对权限管理、文件下载及版本管理等共性模块,封装成子插件,验证了技术方案的可行性。
On the basis of our empirical study results, we give some policy suggestions about how to design the reasonable control rights structure and govern the trade of control rights as well as how to improve the efficiency of control rights market. 第四部分:为第七章,在对中国证券市场的实证研究结论的基础上,提出构建合理的控制权结构,规范控制权的交易,提高控制权市场效率的政策建议。
In the final, the author makes the design on the rights of dismissing the company litigation system from the legislate and Judicial interpretation. 在文章的最后,结合立法及相关司法解释的规定,对我国的股东请求公司解散权制度作出了设计。
Clear property rights and reasonable design of the property rights system provide the incentive mechanism of endogenous and external environment for agricultural technology innovation. 而产权清晰和合理产权制度的设计将为农业技术创新主体提供内生的激励机制和外部环境。
The premise of the design of the water property rights system is the return of the private ownership of water resources. 完成水资源所有权私权属性的回归是水资源物权所有权制度设计的前提。
This framework canThis article described the overall design of digital rights management system frame, providing the necessary surrounding for the system and function demands. 本论文描述了数字版权管理系统框架的总体设计,给出了系统必须的环境和功能需求。
Pass basic assumption, the mining rights reserve price of constitution, systematically design Heilongjiang province the mining rights be superior sale mechanism, and carried on a market allocation efficiency analysis. 通过基本假设、矿业权保留价格的设置,系统地设计了黑龙江省矿业权最优拍卖机制,并进行了市场配置效率分析。
In addition, the object of design patent protection issues and the definition of the scope of design patent rights in conflict with the earlier design patent protection is an important part. 除此之外,对外观设计专利保护对象范围的界定问题以及外观设计专利权与在先权利的冲突问题也是外观设计专利保护中的重要内容。